Staff Sickness Policy
We understand that employees may need to be absent for various reasons. To ensure fair and consistent treatment, this policy outlines how such situations will be handled. Absence, whether due to illness or other circumstances, refers to the non-attendance of staff during contracted hours.
· Notify the Manager of any sickness or absence by 7.00 am via phone, providing details and expected return date. A voicemail or text is not accepted.
· The Manager ensures coverage. If unavailable, the Deputy arranges cover.
· Dependant on the employee’s previous record of short-term sickness/absence, staff may be required to complete a 'Self-Certificate' available from a Doctor's Surgery or for a short-term absence (less than seven days, including non-working days).
· Long-term absence (over seven days) necessitates a 'Fit Note' from a GP and a 'Return to Work Meeting' with the Manager. The meeting assesses absence reasons, identifies solutions, and confirms fitness to return.
· Repeated long-term absence or frequent short-term illness triggers a formal process. Government recommendations are followed.
· HMRC can arrange a medical examination for returning staff (with consent), assessing fitness for work.
· If reasonable adjustments are ineffective or health won't improve, employment may be terminated.
· Upon return a return interview will be conducted.