Outings Policy
We believe providing children with opportunities to participate in outings is essential as these experiences contribute to their overall development and broaden their knowledge. Types of trips may include walking excursions to local parks, libraries, and places of interest.
Parental Consent: Upon registration, parents will sign a general consent form allowing their children to be taken on outings. Additional parental consent will be sought for specific annual events or outings.
Supervision: To ensure the safety of each child, children will be supervised at all times. Additionally, individual staff members will be assigned specific children to supervise during outings.
Record Keeping: All outings will be documented in an 'Outings Record Book,' which will be kept in the office. This record will include the date and time of the outing, the destination, the mode of transport, the names of staff members and each child they are assigned to, the expected return time, and a completed risk assessment.
Essentials for Outings: Staff members will carry a mobile phone, along with necessary supplies such as tissues, a first aid kit, spare underwear, and snacks depending on the nature of the outing. Additionally, all children will wear a hi-vis vest with our preschool name for easy identification.
Headcounts and Group Photo: Staff members will have a list of children attending the outing to conduct regular headcounts throughout the trip and a group photo of the children will be taken before the outing.
First Aid and Ratios: At least one qualified first aider will accompany every outing or visit, and the travel first aid kit will be taken along. Ratios for outings will be reviewed based on the nature of the trip to ensure adequate supervision and safety.
Risk Assessment and Safety: A comprehensive risk assessment will be conducted before each outing to identify potential hazards and implement necessary precautions. The concept of stranger danger will be discussed with children before and during the outing.
Weather Considerations: Dependant on weather conditions, children will be required to wear hats, sun cream, coats etc…
Road Safety: Adults will walk on the roadside and the children will walk in pairs during outings. Road safety guidelines will be strictly followed to ensure the well-being of all children.
Medical Equipment: If any children require medical equipment such as an EpiPen or Asthma Pump, it will be taken along on the trip.